IWO in networks


Represented in major European networks...

IWO is involved as a member or partner in European and international networks that deal with housing, construction and urban development, focusing on energy efficiency, climate protection and decarbonisation as well as sustainability. Our aim is to achieve an increasing feedback and connection of the topics, interests and needs of Eastern Europe with regard to the housing and building sector to the EU agencies and level, among others. The specific challenges in the region must be given more attention and addressed in the long term. This requires stronger political support not only at national or bilateral level, but also at pan-European level.

In the various networks, IWO is committed to promoting awareness, understanding and constructive overcoming of the differences between Western and Eastern Europe, for example through long-term participation in thematic working groups and expert groups.

IWO is engaged as Partner of Housing Europe and participates in the Ad-hoc Working Group Housing Systems in Transition formed in 2017.

Housing Europe is leading with its Observatory for the EU member states, providing profiles on social housing and housing development in the various countries.


IWO is an active participant in the dialogue format "Community of Practioners (CoP)", in which experts from Eastern Europe or with expertise on the region meet several times a year. A special focus of the exchange is on the region's housing sector, which is viewed from various angles, including energy efficiency, energy supply and quality of life. The exchange also aims to prepare and initiate joint practical project activities.


IWO is Associated Partner, participates in the Topic Group Financing & Investment and supports the increasing integration of Eastern Europe and its concerns in EFL activities. EFL is also a sustaining member of IWO.


IWO is a member of LiM, the first European housing cooperative. LiM aims to strengthen the idea and practice of the cooperative legal form, which is part of the intangible world heritage of UNESCO, and to implement it with forward-looking projects in Germany and Europe.


IWO was a founding member and board member of the Belarusian association based in Minsk and contributed to the development of strategic proposals for the real estate industry, conceptual design of numerous training and further education measures and international association conferences. IVIM was an international network with members from eleven countries and cooperated with IWO in various projects of the "Belarus Support Programme" with funding from the German Federal Ministry for International Cooperation (BMZ). In the course of the ban on foreign NGOs, the decision on the liquidation of the association was taken by the Minsk city administration on 03.03.2022. On 31.03.2022, the International Society of Real-Estate Managers was constituted as a virtual expert community. More information about this and the extensive IVIM archive can be found here.


IWO has been a member of the German Association for Eastern European Studies for many years.


IWO is a member and participates in the board. Both organisations have been cooperating for many years in delegation trips and in various projects, especially in Ukraine.


IWO is a member of the dv and participant in the permanent dv Working Group "Europe". Conversely, the dv is a full IWO member.


IWO and w-i-e (Owner-Occupants Association) have agreed on a mutual supporting membership.


IWO and Hanse-Parlament have been cooperating in projects and initiatives in the Baltic Sea Region for many years and agreed on a mutual membership.


IWO has joined the EU Peers Initiative for the dissemination and promotion of one-stop shops and is part of the “DACH Forum” and the “Transnational Forum” there. EU Peers is coordinated by the Climate Alliance.


IWO is one of the EU Level Supporting Partners in the Renovate Europe campaign - a political communication campaign with the aim to accelerate deep energy renovation of buildings in the EU to 3 percent per year, through legislation and ambitious renovation programmes.