Housing Initiative
For better living and sustainable cities in Eastern Europe.
The Initiative Wohnungswirtschaft Osteuropa (IWO) e.V. - Housing Intiative for Eastern European is a non-profit organisation dedicated to development aid and environmental protection since its foundation in 2001. Our projects and activities contribute to the development of market-oriented structures in the housing and construction industries in the countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus. Such structures are an essential prerequisite for improving the quality of services offered in the field of housing and neighbourhood maintenance, and thus for enhancing the quality of living and life. Standards and measures for climate protection and energy efficiency are receiving greater attention and significance. In order to make these developments and the associated efforts possible, we cooperate with public and private partners and decision-makers in Germany and the project countries.
Our topics and work are of benefit to society: Without increased efforts for more climate protection, higher energy-efficient (residential) building refurbishmerates and improved living and housing standards, also in the Eastern European region, it will not be possible to achieve the European and global climate protection and sustainability goals.
Our topics
IWO's projects and activitites support and contribute to the implementation of international and European agreements and objectives, especially in the areas
- Climate protection, energy and resource efficiency in housing and buildings
- Improving the quality of the environment and thus the quality of life, especially in towns and cities, but also in rural areas
- Development of a sustainable society and economy
- improvement and gradual alignment of housing and living conditions
Our fields of action
Following our mission, IWO has always relied on activities in three key fields of activity:
Selected detailed topics
- Professionalisation of housing management
- Implementation pilots / concrete small projects to demonstrate solutions and possibilities
- Participation-oriented refurbishment and planning projects / Involvement and empowerment of homeowners
- Integrated energy-efficient and sustainable urban and neighbourhood development and renewal
- Cooperative housing and building
- Support for local NGOs in the housing sector
- Support / advice for homeowners regarding self-organisation
- Specialist training and seminars as part of various projects
- Stakeholder involvement and networking on the ground to improve communication and improve awareness and overviews of problems and strategic needs for action
Addressees of consulting & project work
- Governments and ministries
- Authorities
- Municipalities and local administrations
- Stakeholders and intest groups in the field of housing
- Housing and housing management companies
- Owners and owner representatives